Tuesday, May 09, 2006


On many occasions, letters and memorandums have filtered their way down from the 3rd floor of the City County Building. I think they call this the upper management (of City Government) only to find their way into the circular file, namely the trash can.

However, there are a few memo's that do end up on many office holders desk that do warrant better consideration...This apparently was a real memo seen by several city & county employees.

And we also bet you will laugh as hard as we did.....Enjoy !!!!

MEMO: The problem concerns a computor peripheral problem.

If a mouse fails to operate or should it perform erractically, it may need a ball replacement. Mouse balls are now available in the Mayor's office between 8:00-4:00 pm. Because of the delicate nature of this procedure, replacement of mouse balls should only be attempted by properly trained personnel.

Before proceeding, determine the type of mouse balls by examing the underside of the mouse. Domestic balls will be larger and harder than foreign balls. Ball removal procedures differ depending upon the manufacturer of the mouse.

Foreign balls can be replaced using the pop off method.

Domestic balls are replaced by using the twist off method.

Mouse balls are not usually static sensitive. However, excessive handling can result in sudden discharge upon completion of the ball replacement, the mouse may be used immediately.

It is recommended that each employee have a pair of spare balls for maintaining optimum mouse performance.

Please keep in mind that a mouse without properly working balls makes your job harder.

Have a great day
City & County Employees!

Thanks for sharing with us citizens the lighter side of City & County Government...