Thursday, June 22, 2006



The Monon Trail is 10 Yrs. Old! And were celebrating! To mark this important birthday, the Greenways Foundation is hosting an on-the-trail birthday celebration this coming Saturday, June 24. Please join us from 9 a.m. to noon along the Monon Trail at the Depot.

The greenways Foundation will be giving away free water bottles and selling Monon 10th tee shirts and posters. Proceeds from these items will benfit trails and greenways.

At noon, Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson will be present at the Depot to share his thoughts on greenways in general, and the Monon Trail in particular.

A snip of a ribbon opened the first stretch of the Monon Trail on June 23,1996. The happy people who thronged onto the new paved path formed the vanguard of many more in the decade since. Its huge popularity is the single best argument for building 100 more trails just like the Monon.

Freedom Of Speech would like to thank the Greenway Foundation for sending the following information.

Freedom Of Speech is a big supporter of The Greenway Project of New Albany.

We Also want to send our Congratulation to Valla Ann Bolovschak on your newly appointed position to the Board of Directors of the Greenway Foundation.