Thursday, December 14, 2006


Stormwater Ordinance was created to comply with the EPA mandate.

Section 8, "The New Albany Stormwater Board shall present by June 15th each year to the "Common Council" a budget for review and approval."

Freedom of Speech would like to know how Attorney Mike Summer can be the Stormwater Board Attorney with out the Council approval? Does he work for free?

Since no Stormwater Board budget has been approved, the expenditures of the Stormwater Board must be approved as additional appropriations by the Council.

It seems like the Stormwater Board is spending alot of "taxpayers money" without approval. This system is costly to operate and maintain, and facing stronger regulatory requirements from the EPA.

We have heard that Chairman Tim Deatrick is now pushing to receive a salary for this board.

Mr. Deatrick you have only been "chairman" since Sept. 29, 2006. Good grief...Timmy!

Have you forgotten what you said? Well let us refresh "your memory" and we quote: "It needs to be done in a cost-effective way and it needs to be customer-driven."

You do know what "cost-effective" means Mr. Deatrick?

The Stormwater Board was not created to pay salaries.

Mr. Deatrick the council amended the Stormwater Board bill to set salaries at $0 per meeting for each of the three members.

Salaries for Stormwater Board members would only add strain to city finances.

Freedom of Speech needs to remind you Sir, that several citizens had volunteered to work on the Stormwater Board for free. And we also believe those same citizens would be willing to step right into your position today!

Is it stated in the Ordinance G-06-07 that the mayor can use stormwater money to set up his billing department?

And could the mayor's "selective billing" be part of OUR money problem?

We have a Flood Control Board, Drainage Committee and a Stormwater Board. We have all of these "boards" and residents are being flooded out of their homes with no city help. You have to ask yourself, does one board know what the other board is doing?

Freedom of Speech would like to ask how much does it take to buy Tim Deatrick's loyalty? A position on the Stormwater Board?
You got it!